welding, food, champagne, wine, cake icing can all cause hard to remove stains. More stain remains in the material it is more difficult to remove. Spots become darker over time. Once these darkened spots it is very difficult to remove them from your wedding dress.
today's wedding gowns are very complex in their construction with different layers of different materials such as lace, taffeta or satin wedding, cotton stiffeners, and boning. Any substance for spot and stain removal react differently.
It is advisable not to try to save her long wedding dress at home without the preparation and care. A wedding dress can be hung in a closet. But even if you dress a padded strap is used to stretch the shoulders and waist. cedar stumps, while a traditional storage manner can also be dangerous to your dress. Cedar is very acidic and are gases that act as a catalyst in the degradation of wedding dress fabrics.
boxes a dress in acid-free materials unbuffered is the best long-term storage medium. Boxing is dust and dirt are deposited on the surface of the tissue, which can result in dark gray maintain fold. Wrinkles in your box should be fed or rolled with tissue paper without white acid.
insect infestation is another concern. The protein material in many substances are extremely attractive to butterflies and beetles as well as silverfish eat celluosic materials such as cotton and linen. To destroy the insects provide your wedding dress that your dress is to avoid in a closed environment. Even cleaning the area around the box of your dress is stored in also helps prevent the access of insects.
Where you store your wedding dress is also very important. Your basement is often wet and sometimes wet. Granaries are also unsuitable because of excessive heat in summer. It is actually better to store your dress in the back of your closet or under the bed
Proper dress cleaning and preservation is more than anything else. There are two companies in the United States that are more than 80% of the total wedding dress preservation. You are BridalKare Wedding Dress Conservation Company and International. Both companies have an excellent reputation. BridalKare international sealed his dress tins and offer a lifetime warranty. Wedding Gown Preservation Company not to seal their boxes and offers a 20 year warranty. If you plan to use a pressing local issues on their methods and guarantee - see if they match